Couples Ministry

Love God. Love People.

About Couples Ministry

It is our desire to build up husbands and wives in order to help them fulfill their role as a helpmate to one another.  Ultimately, we want to point each one to Christ who gave himself as a sacrifice for his bride the church.  Our aim is to provide opportunities for couples to gather, relate and encourage one another through fellowship and by having access to resources.  

We typically have events scheduled quarterly throughout the year.  We provide fellowship experiences through game nights, teaching times and we share resources through this website along with our DAG Couples Facebook group.  Couples are each unique and are in a varieties of seasons and under a variety of pressures.  We want to encourage, equip and fortify couples no matter their season.  We get it, husbands are different than wives.  Wives and their needs are different from husbands and their needs.  With this in mind we believe that together, we can be better listeners, leaders, parents, lovers and friends to our spouses.  We are eager for you to join us and to share your “season.”  We look forward to hearing what God is doing in your relationship- or if you are in need of refreshing- we want to meet a need in your life that will refresh and empower you to make your marriage better and the best that it can be. 

We are so excited for what God is doing in the couples ministry and how you fit with what God is birthing here at Davison Assembly of God.


It is the aim of the couples ministry to encourage all couples by providing opportunities for them gather and relate through fellowship and resources.  Ultimately, we want to point husbands and wives to Christ.

We want to encourage couples to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

(Mark 12:30-31)

Connect with Us

We schedule events for couples to get together throughout the year.

If you have any questions contact leaders Troy and Angie Luke, or feel free to call the church

@ 810-653-7616.


Resources Links

Marriage Today Ministries- Jimmy & Karen Evans

Focus on the Family

Grief Share

Upcoming Couples Events

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